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Redefining SEO with Data driven PR and Backlinks

Ready to transform your online presence and skyrocket your SEO rankings? Data-driven PR backlinks will make a difference for your brand

Make your brand easy to find

Data-driven PR and SEO makes your brand stand out

In a digital landscape where every click counts, your brand deserves to stand out. Our innovative data-driven PR SEO and backlink service is designed to take your brand and website to the forefront of your industry. 

We make brands stand out

backlinks prlinkr

Hyper target your demographic

Data-driven PR and SEO backlinks

We go beyond traditional SEO tactics. Our advanced data analysis pinpoints exactly where your backlinks will have the most impact. By targeting these key areas, we ensure that your brand not only gains visibility but also resonates with the right audience.

We call it precision targeting

Direct impact on seo with backlinks

Sustainable SEO growths and Visibility

With our focus on high-quality, authoritative backlinks, we provide a foundation for sustainable SEO growth. Our strategies are designed to yield long-term benefits, ensuring that your site’s ranking improvements are durable and resilient against algorithm changes.

We will provide you with the strongest links in your niche.

prlinkr PR SEO
We take proud to be an award winning
Data-driven PR and SEO Agency
Don’t take out word for it,
listen to our customers

SEO Services

Prlinkr has saved us thousands of hours of work. We’re able to spin up projects and features faster.

SEO Services

Web Developer, Sisyphus

Nathalie Hansson
Nathalie Hansson
E-com Specialist
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They optimized our website effectively, boosting its search engine rankings and driving significant organic traffic.
Johan Lundström
Johan Lundström
Read More
Excellent job researching keywords and wrote fantastic content in swedish for my business.
Malin Berg
Malin Berg
Head of Digital
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Five stars isn't enough. Our SEO rankings skyrocketed! The results speak for themselves.
 Oscar Karlsson
Oscar Karlsson
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Seode is truly the gold standard in SEO. Their pricing is transparent, and the value they provide is unmatched
Daniel Larsson
Daniel Larsson
Business Owner
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Perfect balance between cost and quality. The ROI from their SEO efforts has been phenomenal.
Daniel Larsson
Daniel Larsson
Business Owner
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Perfect balance between cost and quality. The ROI from their SEO efforts has been phenomenal.
Lisa Jonsson
Lisa Jonsson
Digital Manager
Read More
Our SEO rankings are better than ever. Hats off to Seode for the outstanding service.
 Cecilia Olofsson
Cecilia Olofsson
Business Manager
Read More
Our SEO rankings are better than ever. Hats off to Seode for the outstanding service.
Kevin Eriksson
Kevin Eriksson
E-com Manager
Read More
After signing with prlinkr, been a revolution for us with more business we can handle. All credit to Daniel and their team.

They optimized our website effectively, boosting its search engine rankings and driving significant organic traffic.

Nathalie Hansson E-com Specialist

Excellent job researching keywords and wrote fantastic content in swedish for my business.

Johan Lundström CEO

Five stars isn't enough. Our SEO rankings skyrocketed! The results speak for themselves.

Malin Berg Head of Digital

Seode is truly the gold standard in SEO. Their pricing is transparent, and the value they provide is unmatched

Oscar Karlsson CMO

Perfect balance between cost and quality. The ROI from their SEO efforts has been phenomenal.

Daniel Larsson Business Owner

Our SEO rankings are better than ever. Hats off to Seode for the outstanding service.

Lisa Jonsson Digital Manager

Our SEO rankings are better than ever. Hats off to Seode for the outstanding service.

Cecilia Olofsson Business Manager

After signing with prlinkr, been a revolution for us with more business we can handle. All credit to Daniel and their team.

Kevin Eriksson E-com Manager
Model for performance based
Data-drive PR and SEO

Data-driven market research

Status of your site

SEO and Backlink Audit

SEO Cleanup

Competitor Comperison

Country and target niche

Strategy Development and execution

Report metrics

Our Partner

Book a consultation with PRlinkr

We love all things surrounding PR, SEO and backlinks, and would love to chat about your brand’s individual challenges, and how our solutions can help.

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Book a consultation with PRlinkr

We love all things surrounding PR, SEO and backlinks, and would love to chat about your brand’s individual challenges, and how our solutions can help.